
Mat-Su Valley: (907) 376-4130

Eagle River: (907) 696-4130

Fairbanks: (907) 452-4130

24/7 Emergency Service

Store Hours: 7:30am - 5:00pm M-F

Clean Indoor Air Is Just Around the Corner

With spring on its way, and the days getting longer (yay!!) we begin to see the floaties in the air. We begin to see the film on our windows, that winter has so kindly hidden. We see the fingerprints on the cabinets and the dust on the walls. Ahhhh, yes, that’s why they call it ‘Spring Cleaning’!

Spring cleaning happens because the sun begins to shine it’s warming rays into our cozy homes, and all of a sudden the darkness that has covered over all the nooks and crannies is banished and into the light come all of the dust bunnies that have silently gathered since fall.

I have good news my house cleaning friends! You can do something about those floaties. You can prevent the dust bunnies and the dust on the walls and windows. By filtering your air through the American Standard AccuClean, you will capture 99.98% of all the particulates that come through your home, all of the allergens and even the viruses – down to .01 microns in size. It is the most effective Whole-Home air filtrations system in the nation. Period. It’s more than 8 times more effective than the best HEPA Air in-room filtration systems.

Call HeatSource today for more information. We’ll clean your air, one dust mite at a time. I love to breathe clean air, don’t you?

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